One thing I've discovered while on maternity leave with no baby yet, is that I can get a lot of knitting done. It also helps if it's quick baby knitting. And it helps when one also discovers Masterpiece Theater's Downton Abbey Season One is on line. Hence, the mass knitting.
F.O. #1: A pumpkin hat for my little pumpkin. (I actually whipped up two of these in a weekend since another friend is also having a baby right before Halloween). So trust me, this counts for two.
F.O. #2: The baby umbilical cord hat project out of left over sock yarn. The yarn is so old I don't even know what brand it is. But it's perfect for my little one. I even have enough yarn to make another hat.
F.O. #3: Finally a little something for me! This is Catherine from Winged Knits. I've been wanting to make a tam for myself for over a year now. I've cast on at least three other tam projects and haven't loved/liked/been smarter than the pattern on all of them. But when a friend made this one, I knew I had to have it. The yarn is Malibrigo Twist and I just love the color. The photo doesn't due it justice as sunshine is scarce in Seattle these days. Plus I wanted to block it and get it ready to wear!
Now baby and I will be decked out to step out in style. In about 6-7 weeks. Give or take.