Sunday, January 22, 2006

Knitting and colds

A crappy cold has sidelined me this weekend. However in the midst of laying on the couch watching B-made cable TV movies I managed to complete the 42 row of mind-numbingly boring st stiches for the back of Rosy! My arms ache, wrists are sore and fingers are numb. Damn this feels good. To document my great accomplishment I wanted to take a picture but my digital camera battery is dead. Perhaps once it is charged and another round of cold meds kicks in I'll have a picture to post of my progress. Until then, pass the Kleenex and and Sudafed.


Jessica said...

Sorry you're not feeling well but yay for progress. Can't wait to see Rosy.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that you're not feeling very well. I hope that you get well soon and hooray for progress on Rosy. I can't wait to see it!

-Your Secret Pal

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