Friday, February 22, 2013

i am: an imom

I am many things.

A woman. A wife. A mother. A writer. A TV producer. A sister. A daughter.

But I've also recently discovered that I'm an imom.

What is an imom you ask? It's not a mom who's super handy/techy with all things Apple related. It's a mom whose child has a serious eye condition.

I didn't know these imom were out there as I stood holding there wee one when she was just 3 months old & we were in a pediatric ophthalmologist office. Or when, just a few short days later I was again holding her, crying (me, not her) at Seattle Children's Hospital as they explained (again) what it meant to be born with a pediatric cataract and what was in store for us.

But I'm grateful I've discovered these other imoms. They are support. They are encouragement. And they are going through - or have already been - where I am and where I'm going. And they are here to tell their tale.

It's not an easy journey. I've shed many, many tears over this battle. And I feel like it's only just begun. I've learned there's no shame in asking for help. I've learned there's no shame in crying hysterically at the doctors office. I've learned there's no shame in coming home from these doctors offices and making a very strong gin & tonic. And then making another one.

I recently shared our story on an eye blog that I follow (they fit right in with my knitting and cooking blogs). The site is called Little Four Eyes. I shared the wee one's story here. Please take a moment to read about it.

Then take a moment to schedule an eye appointment for your wee one. Or yourself.


Sara K. said...

I am so glad that there is such a close community out there for you. I love that blogs and technology allow for such communities to exist on a much wider level. So excited you are blogging again.

amanda said...

I actually went on that site and read some stuff after our last chat about Ruby's eyes because I wanted to know more. So glad you are finding support! I know that my mama still feels a bit traumatized about my early eye issues (and that was in like 1980 so there was no internet) and is angry that I had to have brown glasses when I was little, not the pink glasses that Ruby will get to have! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, again, for sharing Ruby's story!

(and no, no shame in a good gin and tonic, or 2)

Amanda said...

Embrace it girl... an imom who lives to tell her tale! We are here for you and now you will be here for a future imom. I am so glad you are reaching out, WE are the silver lining in this experience... you do NOT have to do this alone and neither does Ruby. Looking forward to reading more of your journey.

Meg said...

Thanks Amanda! I always joke to Ruby's doctor that I want to start a support group/play group for ipatch kids in Seattle. I'm always curious as to how other imoms get the patch on their kids - and how they all live to the end of the day, only to do it again tomorrow!

Amanda said...

Literally, yes it takes some creativity. Emotionally, for me the strength comes from "seeing the distance" and knowing I am creating a brighter, more in focus future for my son! ;)