Thursday, March 28, 2013

What's missing from the blog?

I've been looking over my blog lately and I realized what's been missing from Meg's Knitting Knot: the knitting.

I entered 2013 with just a few goals: do more writing (such as getting my blog going again) and to knit for myself. While the first goal is going somewhat well (I'd like to post more but due to lack of time/energy/mostly nothing that interesting to say I don't), the second isn't going that well. But I am knitting.

I'm almost finished with a baby gift for a dear friend who's expecting her first baby (a girl) in early May. I'm making the Baby and Toddler Tiered Coat. It's pictured here in a rare moment of quiet. The wee one was asleep. The hubby was out of the house. And I either finished the chores or chose to ignore them and sit in the sunlight on the couch. It was glorious. I'll post a photo once I'm finished with the gift.

Oh, and my hat obsession may have come to an end. I finished Rosebud by Jared Flood. It's gray, it's slouchy and I love it. I just haven't taken any photos of it. I'll work on that for you all. I know you can't wait!


Holli said...

I love that baby jacket -- so cute and trusty. Looking forward to photos. And good for you; enjoying the sun and some quiet with fiber running through your fingers. Sounds like heaven to me.

Sara K. said...

Can't wait to see the FO? right? Did I get the knitter libngo down?