Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Picture Day!

I finally found my camera charger so here are some long awaited (although I'm not sure who's awaiting them) pics of my projects!

I finally finished the strap for the grommet bag. Now it just needs to felted, attached and grommets added. I've decided not to add a lining. Almost done I swear.

This picture is actually old. I've finished the clutch from One Skein - just need to felt it as well. I'm going to visit my folks for a few days and they have a top loader, so I'll be felting there...just like old times! I'm also almost finished with a baby hat from Last Minute Knitted Gifts! I'm hoping to visit my favorite knitting shop in Boise this weekend to pick up yarn for some more projects since I'm in between projects right now. Can't wait to yarn shop!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been awaiting the pics!!
Don't forget to save the grommits for group-grommitting! R and I have been waiting to finish just for you.