Monday, April 13, 2009

France: It's all about the food

I have no shame and I'm fine admitting it. I basically ate my way through France and loved every minute of it! In fact, I've been craving some serious carbs since I got back! Apparently my diet is craving uber amounts of bread! Here are some of the delectable dishes we consumed - or salivated over:

Creme Brule was the dessert of choice for us. We "tested" it out all over the place and I can officially say the best is at La 16 in Arles, our favorite restaurant of the trip. I'm determined to learn how to make this dish!

These Sables were from the bakery down the street from our apartment. The picture above that is another dessert we ate with friends on night in Paris. Below, chocolate Eiffel Towers for sale in Montmart.We hit the Sunday morning farmers market at the Bastille and it's amazing to see the people who shop there every week! Below are some seasonings for sale.

More carbs please!

Cheese please! I was salivating over a huge hunks of cheese at the market! I had to have a cheese plate at La 16 in Alres! I love how the French eat their cheese plates for desserts, however I prefer to eat mine as an appetizer and have some chocolate or creme brule for dessert! But that's just me.
Above are some of the biggest beef steak tomatoes at the farmers market in Alres! I was amazed by how large the fruit and produce were at these small town markets! And what would a trip to France be without a crepe? So we had a nutella crepe in Aux-en-Provence. We had to slow down long enough for me to snap the picture. It was really good!
It's time to hit the gym...but worth every minute on the treadmill!


Shannon said...

Excuse me, but I have to get a napkin. I am salivating all over the place.

I want that Nutella crepe!!!

Holli said...

Now THIS is the post I was waiting for!! Ahhh....FOOD!!

IdahoGirls said...

Wow - amazing!!! I believe any carbs eaten on vacation do not count against your waist line - I read that somewhere I am sure it is absolute!!

Jen said...

I agree with you. Cheese as an appatizer and creme brulee for dessert!!!!!!

Sara K. said...

I may have to unbutton my top button just looking at it. OMG I would die for that market. Can you just imagine? I hear that there are also a lot of gleaners after the markets close...see any of that? Oh and the bread. Now I am ready to hop on a plane and get to Paris! -S