Friday, March 24, 2006

Dedicated felter

I am a dedicated felter. With less then 24 hours before movers show up to haul my crap to the new pad, instead of frantically packing/cleaning/swearing about the mess/level of crap....I was felting my grommit bag. I gave up a few precious hours of sleep last night to finish the damn thing. The bag felted lovely and is drying now. I haven't even started the strap, but I figured I'd rather risk felting a strap in my new front-loader washing machine than risk ruining the bag. Then I would have had to start all over and Carrie and Rebecca would never want to be in a knit-a-long with me again. Speed Knitter (Carrie) and Speed Picker (Rebecca) would continually laugh at Slow-Ass Knitter (me) at the mere thought to knitting another project together. I swear I'm almost done ladies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Megan!

Congratulations on your move! You are indeed a dedicated felter to felt right before you move. I hope the move went smoothly. Please let me know what your new address is so I can get your final package out as soon as possible.

-Your SKP