Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Stockinette hell

That is where I am (which is odd because it just dawned on me it's 6/6/06). Anywhoo....I'm really trying to be good and power through on my first sweater. I'm 4 1/2 inches into the first part of the bodice, and if I do say so myself, it looks pretty damn good. I just have soooo far to go before I even start decreasing for the arm holes and neck line. I read these blogs of people who knit up sweaters "in time at all!" How the hell do they do that? I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that four rows seem to be my limit before boredom and craft A.D.D. (that's what I call my craft addiction) set in. I'm trying really hard to resist the urge to start a new project. I want to be like those women who just "whip it up in no time!" I'd take a picture to show my progress, but frankly, I'm not sure where the connector cord-thingy is and to search for it would take up valuable knitting time (at least I'm sure that's what those knit-whiz folks would say)! Of to power through at least 10 rows tonight! It's good to have goals!

1 comment:

Rebecca Mongrain said...

Knit Girl Knit!