Thursday, February 23, 2006

KAL Smackdown - Round Two

Part two of the KAL is back. The Smackdown continues. After losing horribly to Speed Knitter (a.k.a. Carrie) and Warp Speed Picker (a.k.a. Rebecca) Slow-Ass Knitter (a.k.a. me) is tending to my wounds and picking up the needles for Round Two. I feel stronger. I'm just going to brush off the disappointment of my slow knitting and go on. So far, I am about 2 inches into the back side of the bag. I am a little concerned that my busy work schedule (two more night meeting scheduled for next week -grrr...) will slow down my valiant return efforts. I feel that city leaders (and my boss) may frown on the idea of me knitting through meetings instead of taking notes. Sad world we live in isn't it? Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Rebecca Mongrain said...

Focused knitting is what is needed in order to succeed here. I'm taking lunch today and SOOOOOO knitting!